Shane Clements

29 Sunday Morning Congregations: A Dog and Pony Show? Rediscovering the Organic Church and Missional Community
26 5 Things About the Church According to Jesus
26 Going Missional
17 The Power of Self-Awareness: Man’s Path to Becoming Better
24 True Generosity and Authenticity: Bridging Marcus Aurelius and Dr. Robert Glover’s No More Mr. Nice Guy
19 Men and The Silent Struggle: Why Seeking Help is the First Step to Transforming Your Life
12 The Allure and Dangers of Cults: Recognizing, Understanding, and Escaping
9 Bending with the Storm: The Strength in Flexibility
24 Hypnosis and Sports Performance
24 Breaking Free: Overcoming Negative Trances for Lasting Change
23 Stop Smoking Hypnosis
12 Mind Maps and Memory Palaces
29 Forgive Me: The Transformative Power of Forgiveness
28 Judge Thy Neighbor: The Perils of Judgmental Christianity
14 The Hypnotic Power of Words: How Copywriting Can Unlock the Subconscious Mind
13 Discerning Truth: Understanding People Beyond Emotions

30 Discovering Warmth From Within
26 Unraveling the Threads of Hyperarousal: Breaking Free from the Shackles of Perpetual Alertness and PTSD
22 The UnHypnotist Chronicles: Liberating Minds, Breaking Trances
20 Navigating Negative Trances of Festive Traps: the UnHypnotist’s Guide to a Blissful Holiday Season
19 Navigating the Silence: the UnHypnotist’s Guide to the Power of Not Having an Opinion
18 Reclaiming Lost Time: Unleashing the Power of Now with the UnHypnotist
17 Breaking the Spell: 10 Signs You’re Ensnared in Negative Trances and the Liberation Path
16 Unlocking the Power Within: Dr. Milton H. Erickson’s Beliefs on the Sufficiency of the Unconscious Mind
11 Embracing a Life Unapologetically Lived
23 No One Actually Cares, And That’s a Good Thing
21 Embracing and Releasing Emotions: A Journey Through the Labyrinth of Feelings
20 Embracing Authenticity: Being True to Others and, Above All, Yourself
19 The Offense Epidemic: Seeking Balance in a Reactive World
18 Living in the Present: Embracing the Ephemeral Nature of Life
16 The Minimalist’s Approach to Digital Overload
15 Unraveling the Web: The Need to Unhypnotize in Today’s World
15 Digital Minimalism: Reclaiming Our Lives from the Digital Deluge
14 The Art of Mindful Journaling
14 You’re Being Manipulated and You Don’t Even Realize It
13 A Deeper Dive into Free Writing: Your Guide to Unlocking Inner Wisdom
12 Unlocking Inner Wisdom through Free Writing
11 The Power Within: Reflections on Miyamoto Musashi’s Wisdom
10 The Mind and Time: The Two Most Valuable Assets in the World
8 Dangers of Social Media: The Link to Sadness and Depression
10 The Issue is Never the Issue
8 Hypnotherapy in the Holistic Healing World: It’s More Connected Than You Think
8 Hypnotherapy in the Holistic Healing World: It’s More Connected Than You Think
7 Holistic Healing and the Deciduous Forest: Drawing Parallels from the Great Smoky Mountains
6 Grounding: Unearthing Holistic Benefits and Beyond
4 Honoring Loved Ones: A Beautiful and Earth-Friendly Tribute
2 The Beginner’s Guide to Integrating Holistic Healing into Daily Life
30 Art Therapy: Painting the Path to Holistic Healing
29 The Ground Beneath: Exploring the Holistic Healing Properties of Grounding
28 Unveiling the Power of Holistic Healing Modalities
2 Understanding the Power of Change in Managing Anxiety, Depression, and Stress
30 Be Impeccable With Your Word: The Impact and Importance of Honoring Commitments
18 The Problem is Probably Not the Problem
6 Embracing Healing and Transformation From Past Trauma: Unleashing Your Inner Potential
4 Exploring the Power of the Mind: Uprooting Deep-seated Sorrow
2 20 Years from Now, You’ll Wish You Were This Age: The Importance of Mindfulness for Health and Happiness
28 Boost Your Entrepreneurial Focus with Hypnotherapy: How Guided Hypnosis Can Help You Achieve Your Business Goals
26 John’s Hypnotic Journey To Success
26 Mindful Walking Meditation
10 Hypnotic Digital Marketing: Use the Power of Hypnosis Online

2 You Always Have 100% of Now!
1 Anxiety? Practice The 3-2-1 Reset
1 Pain Is All About Perception
29 Stop Entertaining Mediocrity
25 Dare To Be Yourself, There’s Nobody Else Like You
24 Stop Shoulding Yourself
24 Less/More Statements
24 Creator or Consumer?
23 Cut Ties and Move On
23 Unappreciated
23 Respond vs React
23 Where Your Anxiety Comes From
22 Make Apprenticeships Great Again
21 Honesty
21 Gym Memberships are Nice, But…
21 How To Lose My Respect
20 Why Would You Keep Listening to the Dog Barking?
20 The Map is Not the Territory
20 Testing New Settings
20 Change Gon’ Come
20 Three Things People Fear
20 New Dawn New Day
19 Good Habits
14 I Don’t Understand Retail Sometimes
5 3 Steps to Making a Lasting Change
3 Hypnosis and the Power of Your Unconscious Mind
31 Trauma Has Rewired Your Brain
21 Feelings of Failure and The Ah! Screw It Moment!
14 Something For The Unconscious Mind To Use
8 What if you could put Anxiety away like last season’s wardrobe?
31 Just One Percent Better
24 Systems > Goals
17 Time
25 Show Kindness To a Stranger Today
24 Fat, Broke, Sick, and Mentally Weak
23 Leadership vs Management
23 Your Thoughts Matter: What You Think and Why Is Important
23 People Change
22 Same As The Others
21 Too Many Choices
21 Feel the Feeling
20 Make a Few Critical Decisions in Major Areas of Your Life
20 Create More Than You Consume
20 Evanescent Life
19 Work Hard
19 The Present Moment
19 Now
18 A Simple Plan to Get Fit
18 Here In The Real World
18 What Are You Running From?
17 Pain and Pleasure
17 Being New At Something
17 True Freedom
16 One Wrong Hire
16 Take Care
16 Progress – The Most Effective Form of Motivation
15 Stop Counting On That
15 Refuse to Join
15 A Nice Little Out and Back
15 Why I Deleted the Facebook and Instagram Apps From My Phone
14 Test Post with Clouds

16 Finding Control

3 How To Lead When Your Boss Won’t or Can’t
24 You Better Watch What You Say — Words Are Powerful
17 Working Smarter is Better Than Working Harder
9 It’s Okay To Change
8 Futility – A Poem
4 Your Outrage is Outrageous
15 Loyalty Cards
8 Lessons in Mindfulness I Was Taught From My 4yr Old Granddaughter
4 Taxation is Theft
2 Has It Ever Occurred To You…
1 Doing What You Love Is A Battle
28 Deciding To Eat More Healthy
27 You Will Find What You Are Looking For
26 We Need You To Write
26 Nothing In This World Is Permanent
25 Letters To My Dad
24 If You Want To Be A Writer
23 Embrace the Boredom
23 Dangers of Reading and the Shiny Object Syndrome
22 It’s Okay to Be Offended
22 Do You Really Need That?
22 Coffee – A Haiku
22 Life Lessons I Learned From My Dying Son
21 Memento Mori: The Thought That Fuels My Passion For Enjoying This Short Life