Shane Clements

Unlocking Inner Wisdom through Free Writing

In our last post we looked at Miyamoto Musashi’s poignant reminder of seeking the wisdom and potential within ourselves is a timeless truth that continues to resonate today. One powerful tool to tap into this intrinsic reservoir of wisdom is free writing. It’s a simple yet transformative practice that often leads to surprising discoveries about oneself.

What is Free Writing?

Free writing is an unstructured, spontaneous, and time-bound writing practice. The goal isn’t to produce a polished piece, but rather to let your thoughts flow unhindered onto the paper. You write without worrying about grammar, coherence, or judgment. It’s all about unleashing your raw, unfiltered thoughts.

How Does Free Writing Unlock Inner Wisdom?

Bypassing the Conscious Filter: Our conscious mind acts as a gatekeeper, constantly editing, filtering, and judging our thoughts based on our past experiences, societal norms, and learned behaviors. This often prevents deeper, more profound insights from surfacing. Free writing bypasses this gatekeeper, allowing the subconscious to speak. Through this, we can tap into a more profound wisdom that often lies dormant within us.

Therapeutic Release: Holding onto unresolved emotions, past traumas, and suppressed feelings can cloud our inner wisdom. Free writing acts as a form of catharsis. By pouring our emotions onto paper, we often find clarity and understanding, making room for insights to emerge.

Pattern Recognition: Over time, as you engage in free writing, you might start noticing patterns in your thoughts. These recurring themes can provide insights into your passions, fears, aspirations, and beliefs. Recognizing these patterns is like getting a map of your inner world, guiding you towards your inherent wisdom.

Problem Solving: Often, the solutions to our problems are within us, clouded by overthinking or emotional turbulence. By writing freely, we can often unravel complex issues, seeing them from angles we hadn’t considered before. This process of untangling thoughts can lead to ‘aha’ moments, showcasing the wisdom we inherently possess.

Boosting Creativity: Creativity is a form of wisdom, an ability to see connections where none were apparent. Free writing can help in breaking the barriers of linear thinking, allowing the mind to wander and explore different realms of possibilities.

Steps to Start Your Free Writing Journey

Set a Timer: Whether it’s 10 minutes or 30, set a definitive time. This creates a sense of urgency and helps in keeping the conscious editing mind at bay.
Choose a Medium: While many prefer the tactile sensation of pen on paper, others might choose a digital medium. It’s about your comfort.
Find a Quiet Space: This practice is a deep conversation with yourself. A quiet space will ensure you can hear your inner voice clearly.
Let Go: Forget grammar, punctuation, and coherence. Let your thoughts guide your writing.
Revisit and Reflect: After a session, take a moment to reflect or even revisit your writings after a few days. You’ll be surprised at the insights you might have missed in the heat of the moment.

Musashi’s wisdom calls us to tap into the vast ocean of potential and understanding within us. Free writing is akin to casting a net into this ocean, capturing glimpses of the wisdom lurking beneath the surface. As you practice, you will find yourself not only gaining insights but also fostering a deeper connection with your inner self. In the quest for wisdom, sometimes all it takes is a pen, paper, and the courage to write freely.

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