Shane Clements

It’s Okay to Be Offended

When did it become trendy to be offended and outraged by any and everything that is said or happens?

You can be offended. It’s okay.

When you’re offended, nothing happens to you.

It’s not like you get some sort of disease, your house blows up, or your dog runs away.

Friend: “What happened to your house and where is Spot?”

You: “Well, Last night, I was watching that CNMSNBCOX Network News and this politician/celebrity talking head came on and said things that oppose my particular world view, and I was offended. I WAS OFFENDED! I woke up this morning and found my house in shambles and Spot ran off with that bitch pup down the street. Does this spot look like leprosy on my hand to you?”

Whatever happened to that timeless classic we used to teach the younger generation to deal with things that offended us? You know, “Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me.”

“Daddy, he called me a bad name, you a bad name, and Spot a bad name”

“Well, he’s an idiot, he doesn’t know me, and Spot is not here anymore, so don’t worry about it. There’s nothing there to be offended about.”

I know, it seems so rudimentary, but it works. Why spend your day looking for things to get your feathers ruffled? If you listen to the talking heads out there you would believe we all seem to hate each other and it is your moral obligation to be offended by everything others say.

Use a little common sense. I know, it’s pretty rare to find out in the wilds of daily life. Things like, if someone says something on television that offends you, change the channel, or better yet, turn it off and read a book.

If something in the book you are reading offends you, stop reading it, pick up another book, or go outside. If you meet someone outside that says something to offend you, you can change the subject if you want to continue having a conversation, or simply excuse yourself and walk away.

Or, you could start a blog where you rant and ramble about things that you find offensive. I know a guy that did that.

One hundred years from now it won’t matter what they said, and a week from now (possibly even a day from now), you won’t remember what they said that offended you anyway. You will have moved on to another something that offends you.

Instead of searching for things to be offended by and keeping a sour disposition, smile and try enjoying life a little.

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