Shane Clements

Nothing In This World Is Permanent

“Nothing in the world is permanent, and we’re foolish when we ask anything to last, but surely we’re still more foolish not to take delight in it while we have it.” ― W. Somerset Maugham

Change Happens

In this life, nothing remains constant. Everything changes. Thoughts arise and they go away. People come into our lives and they leave from our lives. You can never put your hand into the same flowing river twice, for the second time the river will be different and so will you. Everything is impermanent, this table I am sitting at, this computer, this room, these thoughts, the flowers outside, this body I have, they are all going to be gone one day.

Knowing this doesn’t prevent me from making use of these things. It doesn’t stop me from enjoying these things. The fact is, I am able to make more use of them and love them more because I am aware that I won’t have them forever. As Maugham said in the quote above, we are even more foolish if we know these things won’t last and don’t really take the time to enjoy them, delight in them, while we have them.

Things To Do:

Tell those in your life that you love them more often.
Enjoy the beauty of nature more. 
Appreciate the health you have.
Slow down
Do more of what you like and less of what you don’t.

Impermanence teaches us to respect and value every moment and all the precious things around us and inside of us. When we practice mindfulness of impermanence, we become fresher and more loving.

Enjoy the Now.

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