Shane Clements

You Will Find What You Are Looking For

Did you know that you will always tend to see what you are looking for?

If you are looking for the day to be bad, guess what? You will find that your day will end up feeling pretty bad.

If you start each day with the mindset it is going to be great, and it will give you another opportunity to improve, learn something new, help someone, enjoy the beauty and the miracle of life that is all around you, then your day will be pretty great.

You will find what you are looking for. 

You may have heard the story of the wise sage and the two travelers, but it is a great story to illustrate this point.

One day an old wise sage was sitting on a rock on the hillside overlooking the city in the valley below. A traveler appears on the road and asks the wise one about the people in the city. 

“Hey, old man! I am looking to move. That city below looks like a good place to live. What are the people like down there?”

“Well,” says the sage, “What are the people like from the city you are moving from?”

The young traveler replies, “Oh, they are terrible. All the people are greedy and mean spirited. They are only looking out for themselves. They will throw you under the bus in a heartbeat. The authorities are corrupt, the politicians are all trying to legislate us into submission. It’s awful there.”

“I don’t think you will like this city then, I am afraid the you will find all the people there exactly the same. You would be better off moving on to somewhere else.”, said the old man. 

Later in the day another traveler comes along.

“Excuse me, venerable sir, but I am moving and that city below looks like a wonderful place. Tell me, wise one, what are the people there like?”

“You are too kind, young man. Let me ask you this, what are the people like where you are from?”

“Oh, dear sir, they are wonderful! They are all gentle and kind. Everyone is so helpful there.”

The old sage grins and says, “I am sure you will find all the people here the very same way. You will love it here. Welcome home.” 

Look for great things today and I’m sure you will find them.

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