Shane Clements

Taxation is Theft

Taxation is Theft!

I know, I can hear you say something along the lines of, “But what about all of the good things the government provides for us with the money they take from us?”

It doesn’t matter.

It is still theft.

If you give me something, of any value, in return for taking something from me, something of mine without my permission, by threat or by force, it is theft.

Imagine I have founded a charity organization that feeds the homeless, but not enough people are contributing to my cause, so if I decide to go up to people on the street that appear to be financially secure, point a loaded gun at them, and demand money. If they don’t pay, I lock them up in my basement, or worse, I pull the trigger. If they do give me the money I demand, I then take that money and do good things with it, like feed the homeless.

That would be wonderful, right?

I don’t think so.

That would make me a thief.

And, you would call me a thief.


Because I took something that belonged to another person without their consent. It wouldn’t matter that I used that money for good by feeding the homeless (building roads, educating kids, or fill in your preferred gov’t program of choice). I signed no contract with the gov’t to pay said taxes, because no contract exists and the gov’t forces people to pay taxes whether they use the services or not.

We homeschool our children, so my wife and I don’t use the educational services provided by the government to make our children conform to the status quo (and that’s a separate rant deserving it’s own post), yet the gov’t still forces me to pay that money every year. So, by definition, theft – the act of stealing; specifically: the felonious taking and removing of personal property with the intent to deprive the rightful owner of it…

…Taxation is indeed theft.

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