Shane Clements

You Better Watch What You Say — Words Are Powerful

“Always and never are two words you should always remember never to use.” 

— Wendell Johnson

Words are powerful.

Words can cause brides to blush, children to smile, men to cry, and countries to fight wars. 

The words that form in your head and come out of your mouth have an incredible effect on your actions and behaviors. Your mind, especially your subconscious mind, will gravitate toward what you focus on. The same is true for merely saying or thinking certain words. 

Henry Ford is quoted as saying, “Whether you think you can, or think you can’t, you’re right.”

The next time you catch yourself thinking or saying, “It can’t be done” change up your words and ask yourself, “How can I make this happen?” or, “What needs to be done for this to happen?” The unconscious mind is an odd thing. It will look to live up to or answer any task you give it. 

The words you choose also make all the difference when it comes to how others perceive you. Switch your negative words and thoughts to positive ones and notice the difference.

Here are some phrases you can choose to avoid from now on along with some better options to replace them:

Once you start making a conscious effort to notice these limiting phrases you use and changing them to words that empower you and your actions, you will be amazed. 

Everyone has certain words and phrases they use to limit themselves. 

Your mission, should you decide to accept it…

Start today, and pay attention to what you are saying. When you catch yourself using limiting wording and having negative thoughts, change them up. 

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