Shane Clements

My Story

Hey there, I’m Dr. Shane Clements, and…

…I’ve been blessed with ministry for over three decades. So, with over 30+ years, I guess I’ve learned a few things that others may find helpful.

First off, I’m no stranger to the pulpit, the mission field, or the evangelist circuit. I’ve been there, done that, and probably even bought the T-shirt. With my trusty Doctor of Ministry degree in Biblical Counseling, I’ve got the credentials to prove it. But that’s not all – I’ve got some serious writing chops, count it an honor to take the stage as a speaker, and have even dabbled in educating folks.

Now, hold onto your hats, because there’s more to me than just preaching and praying. I’ve got certifications in Professional Executive Life Coaching and am a Board-Certified Clinical Hypnotherapist. Yeah, you read that right – I’ve got some mad skills in transformational leadership, emotional and social intelligence, and even mindfulness-based stress management. It’s a bit of a mixed bag, but trust me, it all comes together beautifully in my work.

My education doesn’t stop there. I’ve got degrees in leadership and theology to boot, along with that handy DMin in Biblical Counseling. These qualifications have given me a rock-solid foundation for helping folks transform their lives through a Biblical lens and embrace their identity as part of the Body and Bride of Christ.

But let me tell you, it’s not all about fancy degrees and certificates. I’ve got a heart as big as Alaska when it comes to helping others. My mission is to empower people to put their faith into action in a practical and meaningful way.

Now, stepping out of the professional spotlight for a moment, I wear a few more hats in life. I’m not just a seasoned pastor – I’m also a huband, dad, and Papa. My family’s journey has been a wild ride, full of ups and downs, and I’ve been right there, celebrating the highs and standing strong during the lows.

My life’s narrative is like a beautiful mosaic, with vibrant colors from my love of art and photography, the discipline of martial arts since 1985, and the melodious tones of language and counseling.

So there you have it, folks – a glimpse into the world and mind of Shane Clements, the guy who’s been preaching, coaching, counseling, and embracing the roller coaster of life with a smile on his face for over 30 years. Let’s keep this conversation going!