Want a simple plan to get fit?
- Cut out carbs
- Eat Real Food
- Start Martial Arts training (Karate, BJJ, TaeKwonDo, etc.) twice a week
- Get a Medium Weight and a Heavy Weight Kettlebell
- Start a Consistent Kettlebell Workout Routine twice a week (upper body one day lower body the other)
(I use the Fitify Kettlebell app)
- Walk or Run once a week.
- Let your body rest and recover two days a week
- Repeat.
Here is the fitness schedule I follow:
It all starts with eating real food, low carb/keto. You can’t out-exercise poor eating habits no matter how hard you work.
Monday – Upper Body Kettlebell workout (25 minutes)
Tuesday – 1-hour Karate workout
Wed – Two+ mile run (20-30 minutes)
Thursday – 1-hour Karate workout
Friday – Lower Body/Core Kettlebell workout (25 minutes)
Saturday & Sunday – let the body rest and recover (sometimes I will get in some low impact work like a walk or hike)
It isn’t too time-consuming and I can follow this schedule while still working a 45+ hour a week job and 25+ hours a week building my Clinical Hypnotherapy practice.